Bible Cards

Our whole purpose at Fishers of Men Apparel (FOMA) is to equip you in sharing your faith. 

All of our products have Biblical meaning woven into the design, purposed to enable you to feel comfortable about sharing your faith. 

Our clothing are conversational pieces, aimed to spark interest in the people around you. 

Each of our items come with a Bible study card. This card is intended to shed more light into the designers' intent behind their piece. 

There are two messages on this card, one titled 'A Message for You', and one titled 'A Message to Share'. 

 'A Message for You'

A message taken straight from the Word of God, which inspired the original clothing design. This section of the card seeks to build off your pre-existing knowledge of God and give it a fresh new twist; or give insight to the meaning behind our clothing to those without much prior knowledge of the Bible.

'A Message to Share' 

A message that you can use as a witness. We know, firsthand, the difficulties of sharing something about Christ on the spot when the opportunity arises. This part of the card seeks to provide you with a useful tool in sharing a Biblical message, especially when anyone asks about your cool new shirt ;)

This is an example of one of our Bible study cards for reference: